Referral Rewards

Referral Rewards

Earn referral reward credits that can be applied to your service, repair or installation work. It’s just one more way we can say “thank you”!

Ways to Earn Credits

  • Share your experience about us on your personal Facebook page, online community group or online thread and receive $50 credit.
  • Refer a friend or family member for installation services and receive $240 credit if they replace their new system with us.
  • Refer a friend or family member for repair or maintenance service and get a $25 credit for a completed visit. 

Program Rules

  • Credits accrue annually and do not roll over.
  • No annual limit on point accruals.
  • Credits can be applied to any service, installation or repair.
  • May be combined with club replacement credit.
  • Credits can be gifted to family, friends or your favorite causes.
  • Referrals for new home buyer or seller inspections do not qualify for points.
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